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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxfill.c */
- /* Lower-level path filling procedures for Ghostscript library */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h" /* for gx_color_index */
- #include "gzcolor.h"
- #include "gzpath.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gxcpath.h"
- /* Import the fixed * fixed / fixed routine from gxdraw.c. */
- /* The second argument must be less than or equal to the third; */
- /* all must be non-negative, and the last must be non-zero. */
- extern fixed fixed_mult_quo(P3(fixed, fixed, fixed));
- /* Define the structure for keeping track of active lines. */
- typedef struct active_line_s active_line;
- struct active_line_s {
- gs_fixed_point start; /* x,y where line starts */
- gs_fixed_point end; /* x,y where line ends */
- fixed dx; /* end.x - start.x */
- #define al_dx(alp) ((alp)->dx)
- #define al_dy(alp) ((alp)->end.y - (alp)->start.y)
- fixed y_fast_max; /* can do x_at_y in fixed point */
- /* if y <= y_fast_max */
- #define set_al_points(alp, startp, endp)\
- (alp)->dx = (endp).x - (startp).x,\
- (alp)->y_fast_max = max_fixed /\
- (((alp)->dx >= 0 ? (alp)->dx : -(alp)->dx) | 1) + (startp).y,\
- (alp)->start = startp, (alp)->end = endp
- #define al_x_at_y(alp, yv)\
- ((yv) == (alp)->end.y ? (alp)->end.x :\
- ((yv) <= (alp)->y_fast_max ?\
- ((yv) - (alp)->start.y) * al_dx(alp) / al_dy(alp) :\
- (stat(n_slow_x),\
- fixed_mult_quo(al_dx(alp), (yv) - (alp)->start.y, al_dy(alp)))) +\
- (alp)->start.x)
- fixed x_current; /* current x position */
- fixed x_next; /* x position at end of band */
- const segment *pseg; /* endpoint of this line */
- int direction; /* direction of line segment */
- #define dir_up 1
- #define dir_down (-1)
- /* "Pending" lines (not reached in the Y ordering yet) use next and prev */
- /* to order lines by increasing starting Y. "Active" lines (being scanned) */
- /* use next and prev to order lines by increasing current X, or if the */
- /* current Xs are equal, by increasing final X. */
- active_line *prev, *next;
- /* Link together active_lines allocated individually */
- active_line *alloc_next;
- };
- /* Define the ordering criterion for active lines. */
- /* The xc argument is a copy of lp2->x_current. */
- #define x_precedes(lp1, lp2, xc)\
- (lp1->x_current < xc || lp1->x_current == xc &&\
- (lp1->start.x > lp2->start.x || lp1->end.x < lp2->end.x))
- #ifdef DEBUG
- /* Internal procedures for printing active lines */
- private void
- print_active_line(char *label, active_line *alp)
- { dprintf5("[f]%s %lx(%d): x_current=%f x_next=%f\n",
- label, (ulong)alp, alp->direction,
- fixed2float(alp->x_current), fixed2float(alp->x_next));
- dprintf5(" start=(%f,%f) pt_end=%lx(%f,%f)\n",
- fixed2float(alp->start.x), fixed2float(alp->start.y),
- (ulong)alp->pseg,
- fixed2float(alp->end.x), fixed2float(alp->end.y));
- dprintf2(" prev=%lx next=%lx\n",
- (ulong)alp->prev, (ulong)alp->next);
- }
- private void
- print_line_list(active_line *flp)
- { active_line *lp;
- for ( lp = flp; lp != 0; lp = lp->next )
- { fixed xc = lp->x_current, xn = lp->x_next;
- dprintf3("[f]%lx(%d): x_current/next=%g",
- (ulong)lp, lp->direction,
- fixed2float(xc));
- if ( xn != xc ) dprintf1("/%g", fixed2float(xn));
- dputc('\n');
- }
- }
- #define print_al(label,alp)\
- if ( gs_debug['F'] ) print_active_line(label, alp)
- #else
- #define print_al(label,alp) 0
- #endif
- /* Line list structure */
- struct line_list_s {
- active_line *active_area; /* allocated active_line list */
- line_close_segment *close_area; /* allocated closing line area */
- uint close_count;
- gs_fixed_rect box; /* intersection of bounding boxes, */
- /* disregard lines outside this */
- active_line *next_active; /* next allocation slot */
- active_line *limit; /* limit of local allocation */
- line_close_segment *next_line; /* next line allocation slot */
- active_line *y_list; /* Y-sorted list of pending lines */
- active_line *y_line; /* most recently inserted line */
- active_line x_head; /* X-sorted list of active lines */
- #define x_list x_head.next
- /* Put the arrays last so the scalars will have */
- /* small displacements. */
- /* Allocate a few active_lines and line_close_segments */
- /* locally to avoid round trips through the allocator. */
- #define max_local_active 20
- active_line local_active[max_local_active];
- #define max_local_close 5
- line_close_segment local_close[max_local_close];
- };
- typedef struct line_list_s line_list;
- typedef line_list _ss *ll_ptr;
- /* Forward declarations */
- private int alloc_line_list(P2(ll_ptr, uint));
- private void free_line_list(P1(ll_ptr));
- private int add_y_list(P2(gx_path *, ll_ptr));
- private int add_y_line(P4(const segment *, const segment *, int, ll_ptr));
- private int fill_loop(P5(const gx_device_color *, int, ll_ptr,
- gs_state *, fixed));
- private void insert_x_new(P2(active_line *, ll_ptr));
- private int update_x_list(P2(active_line *, fixed));
- /* Statistics */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define stat(x) (x++)
- #define statn(x,n) (x += (n))
- private long n_fill;
- private long n_fill_alloc;
- private long n_y_up;
- private long n_y_down;
- private long n_x_step;
- private long n_slow_x;
- private long n_iter;
- private long n_find_y;
- private long n_band;
- private long n_band_step;
- private long n_band_fill;
- #else
- #define stat(x) 0
- #define statn(x,n) 0
- #endif
- /* General area filling algorithm. */
- /* The adjust parameter is a hack for keeping small characters */
- /* from coming out too faint: it specifies an amount by which to expand */
- /* all sides of every filled region. */
- int
- gx_fill_path(gx_path *ppath, gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs,
- int rule, fixed adjust)
- { const gx_clip_path *pcpath = pgs->clip_path;
- gs_fixed_rect cbox;
- gx_path *pfpath;
- gx_path ffpath;
- int code;
- line_list lst;
- uint sub_count;
- gx_device_clip cdev;
- int do_clip;
- /* Fatten everything a little to make it look better. */
- /****** This is something of a hack. ******/
- if ( adjust == 0 ) adjust = pgs->fill_adjust;
- /* Start by flattening the path. We should do this on-the-fly.... */
- if ( !ppath->curve_count ) /* don't need to flatten */
- pfpath = ppath;
- else
- { if ( (code = gx_path_flatten(ppath, &ffpath, pgs->flatness, (int)pgs->in_cachedevice)) < 0 ) return code;
- pfpath = &ffpath;
- }
- /* Check the bounding boxes. */
- #define ibox lst.box
- gx_path_bbox(pfpath, &ibox);
- gx_cpath_box_for_check(pcpath, &cbox);
- if ( ibox.q.y <= cbox.q.y && ibox.q.x <= cbox.q.x &&
- ibox.p.y >= cbox.p.y && ibox.p.x >= cbox.p.x
- )
- { /* Path lies entirely within clipping rectangle */
- do_clip = 0;
- }
- else
- { /* Intersect the path box and the clip bounding box. */
- /* If the intersection is empty, this fill is a no-op. */
- gs_fixed_rect bbox;
- bbox = pcpath->path.bbox;
- if ( ibox.p.x >= bbox.q.x || ibox.p.y >= bbox.q.y ||
- ibox.q.x <= bbox.p.x || ibox.q.y <= bbox.p.y
- )
- { /* Intersection of boxes is empty! */
- code = 0;
- goto skip;
- }
- do_clip = 1;
- }
- #undef ibox
- sub_count = pfpath->subpath_count;
- if ( !(code = alloc_line_list(&lst, sub_count)) )
- { gx_device *save_dev;
- if ( (code = add_y_list(pfpath, &lst)) < 0 )
- goto nope;
- if ( do_clip )
- { /* Set up a clipping device. */
- gx_device *dev = (gx_device *)&cdev;
- save_dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs);
- cdev = gs_clip_device;
- cdev.target = save_dev;
- cdev.list = pcpath->list;
- gx_set_device_only(pgs, dev);
- (*dev->procs->open_device)(dev);
- }
- code = fill_loop(pdevc, rule, &lst, pgs, adjust);
- if ( do_clip )
- gx_set_device_only(pgs, save_dev);
- nope: free_line_list(&lst);
- }
- skip: if ( pfpath != ppath ) /* had to flatten */
- gx_path_release(pfpath);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['f'] || gs_debug['F'] )
- { dputs("[f]calls alloc up down step slowx iter find band bstep bfill\n");
- dprintf4(" %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld",
- n_fill, n_fill_alloc, n_y_up, n_y_down);
- dprintf4(" %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld",
- n_x_step, n_slow_x, n_iter, n_find_y);
- dprintf3(" %5ld %5ld %5ld\n",
- n_band, n_band_step, n_band_fill);
- }
- #endif
- return code;
- }
- /* Create a line list for a (flattened) path. */
- /* We pass in the list size, so that we can use this to iterate */
- /* over more than one path simultaneously (needed for clipping). */
- private int
- alloc_line_list(ll_ptr ll, uint sub_count)
- { ll->active_area = 0;
- ll->close_count = sub_count;
- ll->close_area =
- (sub_count <= max_local_close ?
- ll->local_close :
- (line_close_segment *)gs_malloc(sub_count, sizeof(line_close_segment),
- "closing lines"));
- ll->next_line = ll->close_area;
- if ( ll->close_area == 0 )
- return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
- ll->next_active = ll->local_active;
- ll->limit = ll->next_active + max_local_active;
- ll->y_list = 0;
- ll->y_line = 0;
- stat(n_fill);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Free the line list */
- private void
- free_line_list(ll_ptr ll)
- { line_close_segment *lp;
- active_line *alp;
- /* Splice out any inserted closing lines */
- for ( lp = ll->close_area; lp != ll->next_line; lp++ )
- { segment *prev = lp->prev, *next = lp->next;
- prev->next = next;
- if ( next ) next->prev = prev;
- lp->sub->last = prev;
- }
- /* Free any individually allocated active_lines. */
- while ( (alp = ll->active_area) != 0 )
- { active_line *next = alp->alloc_next;
- gs_free((char *)alp, 1, sizeof(active_line),
- "active line");
- ll->active_area = next;
- }
- /* Free any separately allocated closing lines. */
- if ( ll->close_area != ll->local_close && ll->close_area != 0 )
- { gs_free((char *)ll->close_area, ll->close_count,
- sizeof(line_close_segment), "closing lines");
- }
- }
- /* Construct a Y-sorted list of lines for a (flattened) path. */
- /* We assume the path is non-empty. Only include non-horizontal */
- /* lines where one endpoint is locally Y-minimal. */
- private int
- add_y_list(gx_path *ppath, ll_ptr ll)
- { register segment *pseg = (segment *)ppath->first_subpath;
- subpath *psub;
- segment *plast;
- int first_dir, prev_dir, dir;
- segment *prev;
- /* fixed xmin = ll->box.p.x; */ /* not currently used */
- fixed ymin = ll->box.p.y;
- fixed xmax = ll->box.q.x;
- fixed ymax = ll->box.q.y;
- int code;
- while ( pseg )
- { switch ( pseg->type )
- { /* No curves left */
- case s_start:
- psub = (subpath *)pseg;
- plast = psub->last;
- dir = 2; /* hack to skip first line */
- if ( plast->type != s_line_close )
- { /* Create a fake s_line_close */
- line_close_segment *lp = ll->next_line++;
- segment *next = plast->next;
- lp->next = next;
- lp->prev = plast;
- plast->next = (segment *)lp;
- if ( next ) next->prev = (segment *)lp;
- lp->type = s_line_close;
- lp->pt = psub->pt;
- lp->sub = psub;
- plast = (segment *)lp;
- psub->last = plast;
- }
- break;
- default: /* s_line, _close */
- { fixed iy = pseg->pt.y;
- fixed py = prev->pt.y;
- /* Lines falling entirely outside the ibox */
- /* are treated as though they were horizontal, */
- /* i.e., they are never put on the list. */
- #define compute_dir(xo, xe, yo, ye)\
- (xo > xmax && xe > xmax ? 0 :\
- ye > yo ? (ye <= ymin || yo >= ymax ? 0 : dir_up) :\
- ye < yo ? (yo <= ymin || ye >= ymax ? 0 : dir_down) :\
- 0)
- #define add_dir_lines(prev2, prev, this, pdir, dir)\
- if ( pdir )\
- { if ( (code = add_y_line(prev2, prev, pdir, ll)) < 0 ) return code; }\
- if ( dir )\
- { if ( (code = add_y_line(prev, this, dir, ll)) < 0 ) return code; }
- dir = compute_dir(prev->pt.x, pseg->pt.x, py, iy);
- if ( dir > prev_dir )
- { add_dir_lines(prev->prev, prev, pseg, prev_dir, dir);
- }
- else if ( prev_dir == 2 ) /* first line */
- first_dir = dir;
- if ( pseg == plast )
- { /* We skipped the first segment of the */
- /* subpath, so the last segment must */
- /* receive special consideration. */
- /* Note that we have `closed' all subpaths. */
- if ( first_dir > dir )
- { add_dir_lines(prev, pseg, psub->next, dir, first_dir);
- }
- }
- }
- #undef compute_dir
- #undef add_dir_lines
- }
- prev = pseg;
- prev_dir = dir;
- pseg = pseg->next;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Internal routine to test a line segment and add it to the */
- /* pending list if appropriate. */
- private int
- add_y_line(const segment *prev_lp, const segment *lp, int dir, ll_ptr ll)
- { gs_fixed_point this, prev;
- register active_line *alp = ll->next_active;
- fixed y_start;
- if ( alp == ll->limit )
- { /* Allocate separately */
- alp = (active_line *)gs_malloc(1, sizeof(active_line), "active line");
- if ( alp == 0 ) return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
- alp->alloc_next = ll->active_area;
- ll->active_area = alp;
- stat(n_fill_alloc);
- }
- else
- ll->next_active++;
- this.x = lp->pt.x;
- this.y = lp->pt.y;
- prev.x = prev_lp->pt.x;
- prev.y = prev_lp->pt.y;
- if ( (alp->direction = dir) > 0 )
- { /* Upward line */
- y_start = prev.y;
- set_al_points(alp, prev, this);
- alp->pseg = lp;
- }
- else
- { /* Downward line */
- y_start = this.y;
- set_al_points(alp, this, prev);
- alp->pseg = prev_lp;
- }
- /* Insert the new line in the Y ordering */
- { register active_line *yp = ll->y_line;
- register active_line *nyp;
- if ( yp == 0 )
- { alp->next = alp->prev = 0;
- ll->y_list = alp;
- }
- else if ( y_start >= yp->start.y )
- { /* Insert the new line after y_line */
- while ( stat(n_y_up), (nyp = yp->next) != NULL && y_start > nyp->start.y )
- yp = nyp;
- alp->next = nyp;
- alp->prev = yp;
- yp->next = alp;
- if ( nyp ) nyp->prev = alp;
- }
- else
- { /* Insert the new line before y_line */
- while ( stat(n_y_down), (nyp = yp->prev) != NULL && y_start < nyp->start.y )
- yp = nyp;
- alp->prev = nyp;
- alp->next = yp;
- yp->prev = alp;
- if ( nyp ) nyp->next = alp;
- else ll->y_list = alp;
- }
- }
- ll->y_line = alp;
- print_al("add ", alp);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Main filling loop. Takes lines off of y_list and adds them to */
- /* x_list as needed. */
- private int
- fill_loop(const gx_device_color *pdevc, int rule, ll_ptr ll,
- gs_state *pgs, fixed adjust)
- { fixed adj2 = adjust << 1;
- active_line *yll = ll->y_list;
- gs_fixed_point pmax;
- fixed y;
- int code;
- if ( yll == 0 ) return 0; /* empty list */
- pmax = ll->box.q;
- y = yll->start.y; /* first Y value */
- ll->x_list = 0;
- ll->x_head.x_current = min_fixed; /* stop backward scan */
- while ( 1 )
- { fixed y1, y0;
- active_line *endp, *alp, *stopx;
- fixed x;
- int draw;
- stat(n_iter);
- /* Check whether we've reached the maximum y. */
- if ( y >= pmax.y ) break;
- /* Move newly active lines from y to x list. */
- while ( yll != 0 && yll->start.y == y )
- { active_line *ynext = yll->next; /* insert smashes next/prev links */
- insert_x_new(yll, ll);
- yll = ynext;
- }
- if ( ll->x_list == 0 )
- { /* No active lines, skip to next start */
- if ( yll == 0 ) break; /* no lines left */
- y = yll->start.y;
- continue;
- }
- /* Find the next evaluation point. */
- /* Start by finding the smallest y value */
- /* at which any currently active line ends */
- /* (or the next to-be-active line begins). */
- y1 = (yll != 0 ? yll->start.y : max_fixed);
- for ( alp = ll->x_list; alp != 0; alp = alp->next )
- if ( alp->end.y < y1 ) y1 = alp->end.y;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['F'] )
- { dprintf2("[F]before loop: y=%f y1=%f:\n",
- fixed2float(y), fixed2float(y1));
- print_line_list(ll->x_list);
- }
- #endif
- /* Now look for line intersections before y1. */
- x = min_fixed;
- y0 = y - adjust;
- #define have_pixels() (fixed_rounded(y0) < fixed_rounded(y1 + adjust))
- draw = (have_pixels() ? 1 : -1);
- /*
- * Loop invariants:
- * alp = endp->next;
- * for all lines lp from stopx up to alp,
- * lp->x_next = al_x_at_y(lp, y1).
- */
- for ( alp = stopx = ll->x_list; stat(n_find_y), alp != 0;
- endp = alp, alp = alp->next
- )
- { fixed nx = al_x_at_y(alp, y1);
- fixed dx_old, dx_den;
- /* Check for intersecting lines. */
- if ( nx >= x )
- x = nx;
- else if
- ( draw >= 0 && /* don't bother if no pixels */
- (dx_old = alp->x_current - endp->x_current) >= 0 &&
- (dx_den = dx_old + endp->x_next - nx) > dx_old
- )
- { /* Make a good guess at the intersection */
- /* Y value using only local information. */
- fixed dy = y1 - y, y_new;
- if_debug3('f', "[f]cross: dy=%g, dx_old=%g, dx_new=%g\n",
- fixed2float(dy), fixed2float(dx_old),
- fixed2float(dx_den - dx_old));
- /* Do the computation in single precision */
- /* if the values are small enough. */
- y_new =
- ((dy | dx_old) < 1L << (size_of(fixed)*4-1) ?
- dy * dx_old / dx_den :
- fixed_mult_quo(dy, dx_old, dx_den))
- + y;
- /* The crossing value doesn't have to be */
- /* very accurate, but it does have to be */
- /* greater than y and less than y1. */
- if_debug3('f', "[f]cross y=%g, y_new=%g, y1=%g\n",
- fixed2float(y), fixed2float(y_new),
- fixed2float(y1));
- stopx = alp;
- if ( y_new <= y ) y_new = y + 1;
- if ( y_new < y1 )
- { y1 = y_new;
- nx = al_x_at_y(alp, y1);
- draw = 0;
- }
- if ( nx > x ) x = nx;
- }
- alp->x_next = nx;
- }
- /* Recompute next_x for lines before the intersection. */
- for ( alp = ll->x_list; alp != stopx; alp = alp->next )
- alp->x_next = al_x_at_y(alp, y1);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['F'] )
- { dprintf1("[F]after loop: y1=%f\n", fixed2float(y1));
- print_line_list(ll->x_list);
- }
- #endif
- /* Fill a multi-trapezoid band for the active lines. */
- /* Don't bother if no pixel centers lie within the band. */
- if ( draw > 0 || draw == 0 && have_pixels() )
- { active_line *alp = ll->x_list;
- fixed height = y1 - y + adj2;
- fixed xlbot, xltop; /* as of last "outside" line */
- int inside = 0;
- stat(n_band);
- x = min_fixed;
- /* rule = -1 for winding number rule, i.e. */
- /* we are inside if the winding number is non-zero; */
- /* rule = 1 for even-odd rule, i.e. */
- /* we are inside if the winding number is odd. */
- /* Clever, eh? */
- #define inside_path_p() (inside & rule)
- while ( alp != 0 )
- { fixed xbot = alp->x_current;
- fixed xtop = alp->x_next;
- print_al("step", alp);
- stat(n_band_step);
- if ( inside_path_p() )
- { inside += alp->direction;
- if ( !inside_path_p() ) /* about to go out */
- { fixed wbot = xbot - xlbot + adj2;
- fixed wtop = xtop - xltop + adj2;
- stat(n_band_fill);
- /* If lines are temporarily out of */
- /* order, wtop might be negative. */
- /* Patch this up now. */
- if ( wtop < 0 )
- { xltop += wtop >> 1;
- wtop = 0;
- }
- code = gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(
- xlbot - adjust,
- wbot, y0,
- xltop - adjust, wtop,
- height, 0, pdevc, pgs);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- }
- }
- else /* outside */
- { inside += alp->direction;
- if ( inside_path_p() ) /* about to go in */
- xlbot = xbot, xltop = xtop;
- }
- alp = alp->next;
- }
- }
- code = update_x_list(ll->x_list, y1);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- y = y1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Insert a newly active line in the X ordering. */
- private void
- insert_x_new(active_line *alp, ll_ptr ll)
- { register active_line *next;
- register active_line *prev = &ll->x_head;
- register fixed x = alp->start.x;
- alp->x_current = x;
- while ( stat(n_x_step),
- (next = prev->next) != 0 && x_precedes(next, alp, x)
- )
- prev = next;
- alp->next = next;
- alp->prev = prev;
- if ( next != 0 ) next->prev = alp;
- prev->next = alp;
- }
- /* Clean up after a pass through the main loop. */
- /* If any lines are out of order, re-sort them now. */
- /* Also drop any ended lines. */
- private int
- update_x_list(active_line *x_first, fixed y1)
- { fixed x;
- register active_line *alp;
- active_line *nlp;
- for ( x = min_fixed, alp = x_first; alp != 0; alp = nlp )
- { fixed nx = alp->x_current = alp->x_next;
- nlp = alp->next;
- if_debug4('f', "[f]check %lx,x=%g %lx,x=%g\n",
- (ulong)alp->prev, fixed2float(x),
- (ulong)alp, fixed2float(nx));
- if ( alp->end.y == y1 )
- { /* Handle a line segment that just ended. */
- const segment *pseg = alp->pseg;
- const segment *next;
- gs_fixed_point npt;
- /*
- * The computation of next relies on the fact that
- * all subpaths have been closed. When we cycle
- * around to the other end of a subpath, we must be
- * sure not to process the start/end point twice.
- */
- next =
- (alp->direction == dir_up ?
- (/* Upward line, go forward along path. */
- pseg->type == s_line_close ? /* end of subpath */
- ((line_close_segment *)pseg)->sub->next :
- pseg->next) :
- (/* Downward line, go backward along path. */
- pseg->type == s_start ? /* start of subpath */
- ((subpath *)pseg)->last->prev :
- pseg->prev)
- );
- npt.y = next->pt.y;
- if_debug5('F', "[F]ended %lx: pseg=%lx y=%f next=%lx npt.y=%f\n",
- (ulong)alp, (ulong)pseg, fixed2float(pseg->pt.y),
- (ulong)next, fixed2float(npt.y));
- if ( npt.y <= pseg->pt.y )
- { /* End of a line sequence */
- alp->prev->next = nlp;
- if ( nlp ) nlp->prev = alp->prev;
- if_debug1('F', "[F]drop %lx\n", (ulong)alp);
- continue;
- }
- else
- { alp->pseg = next;
- npt.x = next->pt.x;
- set_al_points(alp, alp->end, npt);
- print_al("repl", alp);
- }
- }
- if ( nx <= x )
- { /* Move alp backward in the list. */
- active_line *prev = alp->prev;
- active_line *next = nlp;
- prev->next = next;
- if ( next ) next->prev = prev;
- while ( !x_precedes(prev, alp, nx) )
- { if_debug2('f', "[f]swap %lx,%lx\n",
- (ulong)alp, (ulong)prev);
- next = prev, prev = prev->prev;
- }
- alp->next = next;
- alp->prev = prev;
- /* next might be null, if alp was in */
- /* the correct spot already. */
- if ( next ) next->prev = alp;
- prev->next = alp;
- }
- else
- x = nx;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['f'] || gs_debug['F'] )
- for ( alp = x_first; alp != 0; alp = alp->next )
- if ( alp->next != 0 && alp->next->x_current < alp->x_current )
- { lprintf("[f]Lines out of order!\n");
- print_active_line(" 1:", alp);
- print_active_line(" 2:", alp->next);
- return_error(gs_error_Fatal);
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- }